GDPR Compliance


MTCaptcha service is privacy conscious and GDPR compliant.

Captcha Plugin

The MTCaptcha captcha plugin has clear privacy and usage terms out of the box. The service does not record or store any personal identifiable information, end user internet IPs addressed are obscured to 3 octets in all systems. All logs are stored with encryption at rest with monitoring and access audit trails. Our privacy policy also means we will never share or sell any of the usage logs or serve advertisement.

Admin Portal

The MTCaptcha Admin Portal used to manage captcha and site settings do record personal identifiable information of its users for the purpose of administration, security and auditing. These records are fully encrypted at rest and any access are strictly controlled and recorded. Access to the portal are also protected by 2 factor authentication. To request access/correction/erasure of these personal records on the Admin Portal in compliance with GDPR please submit inquiry to Please be prepared to provide proof of identity for such requests.

Also see overview of GDPR and Captcha